jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009

Tarea 01/B11: The Simpsons!

I have "stolen" this idea from Toñi García, a partner from my school, so... Thanks, Toñi!

miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2009

Comenius project (Tarea 02/B10)

Two weeks ago, some teachers from other European countries came to our village to meet us. Our schools are working together on a project called "Playing with culture". We are doing many interesting things, an we are learning a lot. In this map, you can see where these schools are from.

Ver PROYECTO COMENIUS en un mapa más grande

"Actividad 03/B9"

Listen to this dialogue. It was recorded last year by some students of year 3.
Draw a comic about it on a piece of paper or use a web such as "BITSTRIP", for instance. Then, let me know with a post!

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009

domingo, 10 de mayo de 2009

More Goldilocks!

I know it's been a long time since I posted a bitstrip about goldilocks and the three bears, but there is another one which is worth seeing. It was made by David Díaz Labella, a pupil of 4ºA, with the help of Merlin Blázquez Timpert, and it is a masterpiece! Unfortunately, I don't know how to join all the chapters in just one bitstrip.
Congratulations, David, you have made a great job!